How Much You Really Need to Save in Order to Buy Your First Investment Property in New Jersey & Memphis TN

How Much You Really Need to Save in Order to Buy Your First Investment Property in New Jersey & Memphis TN

How much you need to save to buy your first investment property in New Jersey & Memphis TN depends upon many variables. It is best when you set a goal to write out concisely on paper the steps you will take to achieve the goal. Even for experienced investors, real estate investors should perform a yearly goal check to ensure you have not forgotten any of the steps and gone off track from your overall business plan. 

Setting Investment Goals

Your investment goals and strategies will set the marker for how much you will need to save to buy your first investment property in New Jersey & Memphis TN. As a new investor, you are likely all too aware that you have a great deal to learn before making your plan. To get started, you will want to conduct a thorough market analysis and which investing niche best suits your style that is realistic within New Jersey & Memphis TN. It is also crucial from the beginning to set a reasonable amount of time aside to commit to your investment business. You will need to know the formulas to determine a property’s profitability and whether it meets your return goals. 


Borrowing can allow you to start your investment business. Depending on the investment strategy you have selected, if you have your credit ducks in a row, you could approach traditional lenders. You may qualify for Federal or other loan programs, and there are many avenues to explore. Otherwise, you may be eligible for a hard money loan, which can be more expensive based on the risk the lender is taking for the short-term financing they offer. Asking your family or friends for loans may be a solution. There is also the option of having the downpayment given to you as a gift, though this requires paperwork and meeting strict guidelines. You may even want to consider finding a partner to work with, enabling you to buy your first investment property in New Jersey & Memphis TN.

The BRRRR Method

The Brrrr method stands for building passive income by buying, rehabbing, renting, refinancing, and then repeat. The location has a substantial impact on attracting the best tenants, and investors must figure this aspect of the property into the investment’s profitability for this strategy to work. When done correctly, a property can be purchased at a reasonably low price and rented at a rate that significantly impacts your monthly cash flow. Additionally, you can continue using this strategy once kick-started, from the equity in the properties you have already turned over into rentals. Eventually, as your rental property portfolio grows, the economy of scale or cost advantage comes into play. The increased and efficient production level from the experience you have gained and the number of properties you manage begins to lower your overall cost per property and spreads out the risks through diversification throughout New Jersey & Memphis TN. Typically, as a newcomer to investments, you will need assistance to buy your first investment property in New Jersey & Memphis TN. 

Plan B

Technically you do not need anything, but it is always wise to have a nest egg to back you up. Should Murphy’s Law go into overdrive when you buy your first investment property in New Jersey & Memphis TN, having a plan B could mean avoiding unnecessary delays. Taking the time to understand the possibilities of things going wrong during every step will help you deal with any hurdles. Lay these all out on paper and determine your options to resolve these problems. If you do not have any options, reach out and ask a trusted friend, family member, or professional for guidance. While you should gear your efforts regularly towards having available funding sources at the ready, it never hurts to have savings set aside for emergencies as a quickly accessible backup source.

The Five P’s

Proper planning prevents poor performance. There are always unforeseen expenses that could thwart your attempts at investing. Educating yourself in the real estate investment business includes making connections in the industry. Learning through others’ experiences can save you a small fortune and many sleepless nights lost to financial worries. Thorough planning can help you avoid wasting time coming up with solutions while paying the costs to hold the property. Wise investors have the formula to outsmart them by planning for them, generally budgeting another 10 to 15 percent on top of the known costs to cover emergencies and holding costs. You are much more likely to succeed by figuring these costs into the amount you will need to save to buy your first investment property in New Jersey & Memphis TN. 

Working with 912 Properties LLC makes it easy to get started! Why not let our experts at 912 Properties LLC walk you through the process, helping you feel confident in achieving your investment dreams. Contact 912 Properties LLC today at 908-739-6009 to discuss how much you need to save to buy your first investment property in New Jersey & Memphis TN. 

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